Louis Wolff-Petersen, CSO


My name is Louis and I’ve been with CVX since November 2020. I am Chief Sales Officer, which entails a number of responsibilities, primarily focused on expanding and retaining our partner community.


My background lies in Communication and Marketing, but I have always been involved in sales. I started my management career in a Norwegian company where I worked with sales of financial products.


Personally, I love the high pace that comes along with this job. Another aspect of this role that brings me energy is working with people. Helping connect the right person with the right company to shape their future journey is truly rewarding.

The casual side of corporate

I am a very active person and enjoy different activities, but soccer is without a doubt my biggest passion. I also play tennis from time to time. Beyond that, travel is of course high on the list.

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Har du spørgsmål?

Så er du velkommen til at kontakte Investment Manager, Sara Nahon, på sn@cvx.vc.

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Hvis du har spørgsmål til, hvordan vi investerer eller hjælper med bestyrelsesposter, så kan du booke et møde herunder: 

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Spørgsmål omkring bestyrelse?

Oscar Thybo, Senior Manager of Board & Advisory

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Spørgsmål omkring partnere?

Joakim Herrestrup, Head of Partner Relations

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Do you have any questions?

Please contact Investment Manager, Sara Nahon, at sn@cvx.vc.

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If you have questions about how we invest or help with board positions, you can book a meeting below:

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Questions about the board?

Katrine Gilberg , Head of Board & Advisory

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Questions about partners?

Joakim Herrestrup, Head of Partner Relations

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