CVX adds two new advisors to Brainsafe

Mikkel Dalgaard Heuer og Vibeke Harbud

CVX is proud to announce that Brainsafe has added two experienced business professionals, Mikkel D. Heuer and Vibeke Harbud, to their advisory board. They will play a key role in leading Brainsafe’s strategic growth with their experience in the Pharma, MedTech and FMCG/Sports industries.

Mikkel D. Heuer, an experienced international commercial leader with more than 20 years of hands-on experience in the European and Asian markets, joins the Brainsafe team as Commercial Advisor. With previous positions in well-established companies such as Hummel International, Coloplast and Mölnlycke Health Care, Mikkel brings a comprehensive understanding of international expansion, go-to-market strategies and growth. His dual expertise in the MedTech and FMCG/Sports industries positions him as a valuable player for Brainsafe.

Mikkel recognizes the need for better diagnosis and rehabilitation procedures for concussions and is convinced that Brainsafe can make a big difference in the management of concussions. Driven by a shared vision to improve concussion diagnosis and rehabilitation procedures, Mikkel aims to accelerate the adoption of Brainsafe’s innovative solutions. His commitment to making a positive impact aligns with Brainsafe’s mission to ensure better outcomes for the estimated 60 million people who suffer concussions annually.

Vibeke Harbud joins Mikkel with almost three decades of experience in the pharmaceutical sector. Vibeke is set to utilize her extensive knowledge to drive Brainsafe’s expansion in the healthcare sector. With a focus on areas such as insurance companies and general practitioners, Vibeke sees Brainsafe as a beneficial solution that could revolutionize healthcare practices, especially in diagnostics and rehabilitation.

“I want to be part of Brainsafe as I believe I can be a driving force in the development of Brainsafe’s business areas. I believe Brainsafe could be beneficial in the healthcare industry, e.g. for insurance companies and also be of help to general practitioners in their work,” says Vibeke.

At CVX, we congratulate all parties involved and are proud to have been part of the process.

Press enquiries

Stella Blicher, Marketing Coordinator

Louis Wolff-Petersen, MD

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